Monday, May 22, 2006

Things I Learned This Weekend #2

• While visiting Moët & Chandon in Epernay, I learned that the terms “Mon Valley” and “Appalachian Basin,” so often used by Western Pennsylvania expats, are in no way interchangeable with the terms “Marne Valley” and “Zone D’Appellation,” used by champagne enthusiasts everywhere;

• I learned that Finland has a fascination with Monster Metal Rock, and that the Eurovision Song Contest judges -- this year anyway -- have a fascination with Finland;

• I learned that the more that I drink, the better my ability to communicate in French gets -- and, incidentally, that the better my French gets, the more it turns into Spanish; and

• While attending mass at Notre Dame de Paris, I learned that the source of all Paris hay fever may be . . . ceremonial incense emanating from Notre Dame de Paris.

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1 comment:

  1. "I learned that the more that I drink, the better my ability to communicate in French gets "

    Too right - I learned Romanian in a bar with a none-English speaking maths teacher who just happened to be my boss.

    Far more fluent (and effluent)in the language than in any of the others I have attempted.
